Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The meeting point

Travel to Chiang Rai, Chiang Saen and Mae Sai where Thailand, Laos and Myanmar meet give a lot of insight. Drug caravans from Yunnan once roam this area, but it is giving way to more sophiscated method of smuggling using modern communication equipments.

On the surface of Mekong River, Chinese barges can be easily seen. On the darker side, trafficking of Childern and women however is on par with the formal trade. Sending forced prostitute and child beggars to many places.

Criminals are manipulating the poors for economic purpose. Again it mark a serious problem, the disparity among the rich and the poor in this region!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Malaysia and Turkey

Recently, a politician said that Malaysia should follow Turkey style, a quite developed secular country whose majority of its citizen is Muslim.

Turkey which is the ‘bridge’ from Asia to Europe since long time ago resist the influence of wahabism from Arab and strike to become a succeful secular country. However Turkey is not wholly secular in every governmental aspect, and for example, the government control the mosques and its staff.

Turkey may worth a ‘follow’ in some parts but not in all aspects. It is worthy for me to pick up some points from Andrew Mango’s “The Turks Today” to allow us to understand what really happened in current Turkey and we can have a comparison with Malaysia.

1. Ratio between boys and girls in primary school is quite balance with girls slighly lower than boys, but the gap widen in secondary school. Women labour force in year 2000 is only at 24 percent. – The opposite happened in Malaysia, where girls conquered most local universities.

2. Polygamy banned in Turkey but it does happen in some section of its society. – It is almost the same among non-Muslim in Malaysia. Many Malaysian included politicians have mistress out side, Tun Ling Liong Sik told us about this.

3. The judiciary system is unable to solve much of the cases that most of the ‘prisoners’ in Turkey are not convicts but are being put into prison while in trial process. – Thank God, Malaysia is much better, but there is much for us to accomplish.

4. Jail in Turkey is also unable to accommodate all the prisoners, that government will granting amnesty to prisoners from time to time in order to empty some spaces for new prisoner. - Seldom heard of amnesty in Malaysia, but it do happen from time to time but not in a big scale as in Turkey.

5. Conscript and compulsory military service is applying to Turks. The military is a pressure group in the society. - National service in Malaysia is full of controversy but I think it is still on the right path.

6. Many Turks like to seek job opportunities (never mind with lower wages compare to locals) in neighbour Europe countries who offered a better after service benefit. – Same situation in Johor or maybe Southern part of Pennisular Malaysia, where Malaysians like to work in Singapore.

7. Turkey ordered state owned banks to supply credit to farmers, investors and small traders without consider their ability and willingness to pay back. It is a kind of social consideration and a move to boost the standard of living and economy of certain part of the country.

Malaysia did the same thing actually, SME bank for small and medium enterprise, PTPTN to offer loans to higher learning institutions while Bank Pertanian to farmers. I do not know what happened to the loan offered by SMS Banks and Bank Pertanian, but we do know about PTPTN. As reported, many graduates refuse to pay the loan, after they already use it to pay tuition fees, buying laptop, CDs, DVDs, MP3, MP4 etc.

As developing countries, Malaysia and Turkey share a lot similar thing. We in different extent share the same problems concerning religion, extremist, judiciary reform, corruption (black economy) and impact of globalization. The way we hand some problem, is also similar with Turkey.

Some foreigner might look at Malaysia and Turkey as Islamist, it is true because although Syariah law is not applicable but majority in both country is Muslim, and Islam is playing important part to shape the country.

In political aspect however, I rather use the word conservative but secular.

Saturday, October 18, 2008













Wednesday, October 8, 2008

13 May 1969

If we want to study history thoroughly, the first thing that we have to do is study all the details thoroughly. This included the prime source (such as documents from archive), secondary source (books and articles written by academician) and the debatable oral source.

It is quite hard for me to look on all the materials in local and England archive concerning about 13 May 1969, but I do have the opportunity to read some books including memoirs and academic readings either from well known historians or the grass root people who experience the tragic event.

I must said that, all academician using different approach to study 13 May 1969, Kua Kia Siong in his well known monograph focusing on what he called “unclassified” documents from England archive while former UKM lecturer, James Ongkili studied 13 May as part of the process in nations building in Malaysia.

Tunku Abdul Rahman who is the Prime Minister at the time described in his memoir how the tragic event changed his life and the politics in Malaysia. Among the first badge writers of 13 May, Leon Comber however in his book on the same event, start with the arrival of Chinese and Indians into Tanah Melayu.

Beside that, the well known ex-Universiti Malaya lecturer, Ramlah Adam in her Biography of Tunku Abdul Rahman also touched on the 13 May tragic and its impact to Tunku.

Indeed, 13 May incident is a racial riot among Malays and Chinese which we can (and should) trace the root cause of it since the arrival of Chinese at Tanah Melayu.

Therefore when we study the issue, we must not over look this factor. Bear in mind that, we cannot make history in one day! The outcome of a major history event is an accumulative of several minor events.

In the first world war, historians agreed that the murdered of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne as the immediate factors of the war, but it is also undeniable that the murder is not the sole factor. Political scientist would analysis the power imbalance in Europe. Sociologist might look at the ethnic rivalries at that continent, while economist will focus on economic imperialism and trade barriers during that time.

Therefore, we must not over look any factors when studying the details of 13 May and I would like to draw some points from some writers on the tragic event. All the points however is relate to the outcome of 1969 elections.


A Kadazan from Sabah, James Ongkili in one of the chapter in his book wrote comprehensively on the opposition party parade after the 1969 election. According to him, when the parade which is made up of Chinese entering Kampung Baru, a Malay settlement in Kuala Lumpur, this causing uneasiness among Malay settlers.

Ongkili said, the parade shouted that the Chinese was the victor in the election while Malays should go back to kampung or get out from Kuala Lumpur. Some Chinese according to Ongkili even so excited that they put down their pants and “parade” the penis to the Malays.

Ongkili at the same time wrote about how Malays response to the parade.

Kua Kia Siong

Kua insist that the tragic event as planned by some extremist of UMNO including the notorious Harun Idris. Uneasy with the parade of opposition party, UMNO who is still a winner in the election hold another parade to celebrate their victory. For Kua, extremist from UMNO is the one to be blame.

He also pointed out that the security force during the emergency lean towards UMNO.

Leon Comber

If you like to read about the “soul stiring” thing during the tragic like how many kill and how they kill, Comber will definitely fail you. When I first glance on the first chapter, it really bored me with things that I seem to know but when I read and read deeper, it changed my mind totally. For me, this is the book that every Malaysian must read.

Likewise Ongkili, Comber never blamed the Chinese or Malays, he neither made is conclusion about the tragic. For him, 13 May is worth a look from the day Chinese landed on Tanah Melayu. How the inter-racial relations go on from time to time and how the major events like Japanese occupation and Malayan Union leaving major impact to the racial relations.

Tunku Abdul Rahman

The first Prime Minister of Malaysia see the tragic as an outcome of Communist Party of Malaya (CPM).

A Simple Conclusion

After reading several accounts of the tragic, the only thing I can conclude is that the immature people (both Malays and Chinese is to be blamed) for the tragic. It is time for us to think in a more mature manner, stop being annoying to others!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Stick not carrot

Hukuman dalam politik

Bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad dalam blog beliau baru-baru ini menyimpulkan pembatalan 'Jambatan Bengkok' antara Malaysia dengan Singapura bagi menggantikan tambak Johor sebagai hukuman kepada penduduk negeri berkenaan.

Penganalisa politik menggunakan terma kayu atau stick ketika merujuk hukuman yang dijalankan manakala gun boat diplomacy digunakan untuk merujuk dasar yang bersifat ancaman kepada penduduk.

Dengan itu, marilah kita menjenguk balik beberapa jenis hukuman yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat antarabangsa untuk memahami beberapa keadaan membabitkan hukuman dan ancaman.

(1) Masyarkat antarabangsa yang diterajui oleh Amerika Syarikat menyekat perdagangan minyak Iraq selepas negara itu tersebut memulakan Perang Teluk pada awal 1990-an.

Implikasinya, walaupun Iraq dikurniakan dengan khazanah minyak yang lumayan tetapi rakyatnya sengsara kemiskinan. Sumber minyak di bumi sendiri langsung tidak boleh dimanfaatkan oleh rakyatnya.

Rakyat Iraq sekadar mampu mencemburu kemajuan yang dinikmati oleh jirannya, Iran, Emeriah Arab Bersatu dan Arab Saudi yang menjadi semakin kaya ekoran khazanah minyak yang lumayan.

(2) Republik Rakyat China pada awal pemerintahannya mengenakan hukuman berbentuk kekerasan terhadap masyarakat Tibet (Wilayah Buddha) dan Xinjiang (Wilayah Islam) yang enggan tunduk kepada pemerintahan Komunis.

Sami-sami ditangkap dan diganasi dan ramai orang Tibet dimandulkan untuk mengawal populasi etnik tersebut manakala etnik Han dibawa masuk ke wilayah-wilayah yang sebelumnya didominasi oleh etnik Tibet.

Di Xinjiang pula, etnik Uighur yang memeluk agama Islam menderita apabila masjid-masjid dirobohkan dan ditukar menjadi ladang badi manakala telaga air di situ dicemarkan dengan tulang babi.

Masing-masing etnik Tibet dan Uighur dinafikan untuk menikmati kekayaan ekonomi di bumi sendiri.

(3) Selepas Perang Dunia Pertama, kuasa-kuasa entente (England, Perancis dan Rusia) yang menewaskan kuasa pakatan Tengah (Jerman, Suatria-Hungary dan Turki Ottaman) menghukum negara yang tewas dengan menyekat kuasa ketenteraan dan ekonomi mereka.

Perjanjian Versailles yang dikatakan kurang adil kepada negara Jerman khasnya menyebabkan negara tersebut tertekan.

Rakyat Jerman turut dinafikan haknya untuk menikmati kekayaan ekonomi di negara sendiri.

Hukuman ke pemimpin politik ke atas rakyat atau sebuah negara justeru merupakan sesuatu yang biasa dan rakyat tidak perlulah terlalu ghairah dengan fenomana tersebut kerana ia akan berterusan selagi negara kita gagal mencapai demokrasi secara sepenuhnya.

Berdasarkan andaian Tun Mahathir bahawa pembatalan jambatan bengkok merupakan sejenis hukuman dan berdasarkan tindakan lepas yang diambil oleh kerajaan, maka rakyat boleh membuat beberapa spekulasi mengenainya.

(1) Jambatan Pulau Pinang kedua yang memakan belanja kira-kira RM4 bilion dan dijangka siap pada 2011 akan dibatalkan sebagai sejenis hukuman kepada penduduknya.

(2) Sebuah jambatan terpanjang di dunia yang menghubungkan Kuching dengan Kuantan akan dibina sebagai hadiah kerajaan atas sokongan rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak kepada Barisan Nasional.

Tak percaya? Mengapa tidak? Kan MALAYSIA BOLEH!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Foreign Immigrants in Sabah





托外劳的福,沙巴可够威水的了! 亚庇中央巴刹隔壁的菲律宾巴刹可是旅游景点。翻开著名的国际旅游导南《Lonely Planet》,这地方可是唯一列入沙巴旅游景点的巴刹!说不定各地以后除了开设Tamu之外也来个菲律宾市集推广旅游业!

托外劳的福,沙巴也够名闻国际的啦!菲律宾的女佣本来在国际市场的知名度就不差,在香港,新加坡,中东甚至欧洲,菲律宾的Mary都深受雇主欢迎并获五星级女佣的美誉。抹地,烹饪,洗衣样样棒,天亮还会说“Good Morning Mom”. 但受全世界欢迎的都是菲国北部的女佣,就只有沙巴钟情菲国南部的Aminah而不是北部的Mary,叫老外称奇不已。



沙巴认真是厚道阿!反正本来已有三十多个族群了,多几个族群也不算多。以沙巴那么多元的文化及那么多的族群,传统舞蹈的数量肯定名列前茅!管理舞蹈的沙巴联邦部长说不定还可以来个舞蹈大会,还能上大马纪录大全!沙巴必定争艳不少!Malaysia Boleh! Sabah Lagi Boleh Bah!